We took a 4 day trip down to San Diego with our friends Melinda and Hannah, and stayed in the little beach town of Encinitas. We were thrilled when the car rental gave us a PT Cruiser. The air temp was in the upper 70s and the water temp 70...really delicious. After we arrived

in SD we immediately took off for the Zoo...somewhat disappointed by viewing only one sleeping panda. Then a delicious lunch at Milton's Deli restaurant. Checked in to our favorite motel two blocks from the beach, and played in the pool. Playing, meeting kids...the day was long. We decided to go down to the beach with a new friend at 7 pm. To our surprise the water was warm and we all got in. Taking turns on friend Mia's boogie board, we all rode the waves til sunset around 8 pm. Then home for a late upside down day dinner: bacon and scrambled eggs. Kids were out like a light as soon as their heads hit the pillow.
p.s. Be sure to check the archives (on the right) on our blog, since I have put up so many photos this summer. The archives go back to September 2005.
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