Grace and I walked a few blocks from the car to the restaurant in the Castro, and she had to take a look at Pottery Barn. We both loved these "County Fair Drinking Jars" she got them for me as a gift. Another gift was that Grace vacuumed the whole house on Saturday...upstairs and downstairs. Thanks Grace. I think she still has something in mind for later today...scones?...cupcakes?
We had Mother's Day brunch at Catch, a seafood restaurant on Market and Castro. Yum! It was Grace, Betsy, Clare, and me. We had crab sandwiches, omelettes, salads and mimosas...Grace had Orange Mango Agua juice.
Rock balancing(see Wikipedia) is an art, discipline, or hobby (depending upon the intent of the practitioner) in which rocks are balanced on top of one another in various positions. There are no tricks involved to aid in the balancing, such as adhesives, wires, supports, or rings.
I watched the fireworks from Rosie's house in Telegraph Hill. I found this photo online. Her house is on the hill to the right of Coit Tower, just a couple of streets down. Magnificent!