Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Stinson Beach and the Sonoma Coast camping trip

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Betsy and Grace at Stinson Beach. Posted by Picasa

Unbelievable! Phern gets to boogie board at Stinson Beach. Posted by Picasa

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Check out this campsite by this magnificent tree! Posted by Picasa

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Cooking cocoa at campsite...Grace figured out how to light the stove and start cookin'. Posted by Picasa

Drinking cocoa at campsite. Posted by Picasa

Photo of Phern taken by Grace at campsite in Bodega Dunes, Sonoma Coast State Beach. Note 'mug' of Grace. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Boogie boarding in San Diego

We just returned from 4 days at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas (San Diego), and the beach conditions were wonderful: air temp: 80 and water temp: 70. Grace is a total watersport girl...and here you can see she has perfected the art and pleasure of boogie boarding. Posted by Picasa

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Hannah and Grace do it together. Posted by Picasa

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Gracce really has the boogie board action down! Posted by Picasa

Phern and Grace ready to catch a wave. Posted by Picasa

A beautiful sunset in Encinitas...over the ocean. Posted by Picasa