Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt 2009!

Sunday's Easter Egg Hunt was perfect in every way! 80 eggs were hidden and 7 kids found them in our beautiful garden...roses are starting to bloom, and lots of other color is happening, too. These rabbit ears were a big hit. Nobody is too old to hunt for eggs. Because of the wonderful weather we were able to hang out in the garden for about 4 hours, eating and chatting.

The beginning of the holiday weekend began on Thursday for me, making chicken soup for 26 for Friday night's Passover seder... with enough for leftovers. I have some in the freezer right, you can imagine the cooking pots and refrigeration situation. Passover at Ricki and Andrea's was fantastic; each year is better than the previous year, and everyone always agrees. Then on to planning the egg hunt/party. Saturday was spent with coloring eggs with Auntie Nancy, and making sure we had enough candy and food for everyone to welcome in Spring with a blast...which we did. (Then back to school on Monday...not a blast...)

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The big 3...Hannah, Grace & Mina.Posted by Picasa

Ethan swinging and showing off his 12 eggs after the hunt. Do you see Twin Peaks in the background?..looking pretty good on this beautiful day.
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Grace with her basket full of eggs, and of course her bunny ears...go Grace!Posted by Picasa

Jill and Pauline's daughter Carmel.
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Mary and Helen.
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Monday, April 13, 2009

Blue Heron's visit is the first sign of Spring

In less than 24 hours after stocking our pond with fish the Blue Heron showed up. I don't know how it is that she figures out how to swoop down on our little piece of blue water...but at this point I'm not sure just how many fish we do have...Posted by Picasa

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